Cluster Locations Using KahIPΒΆ


KaHIP Python Wrapper. There is pre-built binary (Wheel) package for Linux x86_64:

pip install -U kahipwrapper

Unfortunately, code for KaHIP with Buffoon is not public due to a pending US software patent.

For more information please visit KaHIP main site here and the public version also available on GitHub here.

Specify --buffoon to use Buffoon algorithm instead of KaFFPaE. You must also specify the directory in which KaHIP with Buffoon is stored. Use --kahip-dir (default is ./KaHIP/src) for that.


usage: [-h] [--kahip-dir KAHIP_DIR] [--buffoon]
                        [--n-closest N_CLOSEST] [-s SEED] -n N_WORKERS
                        [-o OUTPUT] [-d {euclidean,haversine,osrm,google}]
                        [--plot] [--save-plot SAVE_PLOT] [--balance-edges]
                        [--osrm-base-url OSRM_BASE_URL]
                        [--osrm-max-table-size OSRM_MAX_TABLE_SIZE]
                        [--api-key API_KEY]

Allocator by Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioning (KaHIP)

positional arguments:
input                 Road segments input file

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--kahip-dir KAHIP_DIR
                        KaHIP directory (Buffoon version)
--buffoon             Using Buffoon
--n-closest N_CLOSEST
                        Number of closest nodes to build graph
-s SEED, --seed SEED  Random seed for KaHIP
-n N_WORKERS, --n-workers N_WORKERS
                        Number of workers
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file name
-d {euclidean,haversine,osrm,google}, --distance-func {euclidean,haversine,osrm,google}
                        Distance function for distance matrix
--plot                Plot the output
--save-plot SAVE_PLOT
                        Save plotting to file
--balance-edges       KaFFPaE with balance edges
--osrm-base-url OSRM_BASE_URL
                        Custom OSRM service URL
--osrm-max-table-size OSRM_MAX_TABLE_SIZE
                        Maximum OSRM table size
--api-key API_KEY     Google Map API Key


Using KaFFPaE without balanced edges:

python -m allocator.cluster_kahip -n 10 -s 0 --save-plot allocator/examples/KaHIP/KaFFPaE-without-balance-edges.png -o allocator/examples/KaHIP/delhi-kaffpae-without-balance-edges-output.csv allocator/examples/delhi-roads-1k.csv

Using KaFFPaE with balanced edges:

python -m allocator.cluster_kahip -n 10 -s 0 --balance-edges --save-plot allocator/examples/KaHIP/KaFFPaE-balance-edges.png -o allocator/examples/KaHIP/delhi-kaffpae-balance-edges-output.csv allocator/examples/delhi-roads-1k.csv

Using KaHIP Buffoon:

python -m allocator.cluster_kahip -n 10 -s 0 --buffoon --save-plot allocator/examples/KaHIP/KaHIP-Buffoon.png -o allocator/examples/KaHIP/delhi-kahip-buffoon-output.csv allocator/examples/delhi-roads-1k.csv