Approximate TSP using MSTΒΆ

Shortest path based on Minimum Spanning Tree using the Christofides algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree


usage: [-h] [-i INIT_LOCATION] [-o OUTPUT]
                                [-d {euclidean,haversine,osrm}] [--plot]
                                [--save-plot SAVE_PLOT]
                                [--osrm-base-url OSRM_BASE_URL]
                                [--osrm-max-table-size OSRM_MAX_TABLE_SIZE]

Shortest Path for across points assigned

positional arguments:
input                 Worker assigned road segments file

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        First segment_id to start from each worker
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file name
-d {euclidean,haversine,osrm}, --distance-func {euclidean,haversine,osrm}
                        Distance function for distance matrix
--plot                Plot the output
--save-plot SAVE_PLOT
                        Save plotting to file
--osrm-base-url OSRM_BASE_URL
                        Custom OSRM service URL
--osrm-max-table-size OSRM_MAX_TABLE_SIZE
                        Maximum OSRM table size


Using KaHIP, we first partition the locations into 50 clusters:

python -m allocator.cluster_kahip -n 50 --n-closest 5 --buffoon allocator/examples/delhi-roads-1k.csv -o allocator/examples/delhi-buffoon-n50.csv

Then we run the script to solve TSP for each cluster:

python -m allocator.shortest_path_mst_tsp allocator/examples/delhi-buffoon-n50.csv --save-plot allocator/examples/TSP-buffoon/delhi-tsp.svg -o allocator/examples/delhi-buffoon-shortest.csv

Please look at the path here

Using K-means, we first cluster the locations into 50 clusters:

python -m allocator.cluster_kmeans -n 50 allocator/examples/delhi-roads-1k.csv -o allocator/examples/delhi-kmeans-n50.csv

Run the script to solve TSP for each cluster:

python -m allocator.shortest_path_mst_tsp allocator/examples/delhi-kmeans-n50.csv --save-plot allocator/examples/TSP-kmeans/delhi-tsp.svg -o allocator/examples/delhi-kmeans-shortest.csv

Please look at the path here